Custom Taxonomies

Using Custom Taxonomies with WPGraphQL

In order to use Custom Taxonomies with WPGraphQL, you must configure the Taxonomy to show_in_graphql using the following fields:

show_in_graphqlbooleanYesIf true, show the taxonomy in the GraphQL Schema
graphql_single_namestringYesCamel case string with no punctuation or spaces. Needs to start with a letter (not a number)
graphql_plural_namestringNoCamel case string with no punctuation or spaces. Needs to start with a letter (not a number)
graphql_kindstringNoAllows the type representing the taxonomy to be added to the graph as an object type, interface type or union type. Possible values are ‘object’, ‘interface’ or ‘union’. Default is ‘object’
graphql_resolve_typecallableNoThe callback used to resolve the type. Only used if “graphql_kind” is set to “union” or “interface”
graphql_interfacesarray<string>NoList of Interface names the type should implement. These will be applied in addition to default interfaces such as “Node”
graphql_exclude_interfacesarray<string>NoList of Interface names the type should not implement. This is applied after default and custom interfaces are added
graphql_fieldsarray<$config>NoArray of fields to add to the Type. Applies if “graphql_kind” is “interface” or “object”
graphql_exclude_fieldsarray<string>NoArray of fields names to exclude from the type. Applies if “graphql_kind” is “interface” or “object”
graphql_connectionsarray<$config>NoArray of connection configs to register to the type. Only applies if the “graphql_kind” is “object” or “interface”
graphql_exclude_connectionsarray<string>NoArray of connection names to exclude from the type
graphql_union_typesarray<string>NoArray of possible types the union can resolve to. Only used if “graphql_kind” is set to “union”
graphql_register_root_fieldbooleanNoWhether to register a field to the RootQuery to query a single node of this type. Default true
graphql_register_root_connectionbooleanNoWhether to register a connection to the RootQuery to query multiple nodes of this type. Default true
graphql_exclude_mutationsarray<string>NoArray of mutations to prevent from being registered. Possible values are “create”, “update”, “delete”

Registering a new Custom Taxonomy

This is an example of registering a new “document_tag” Taxonomy to be connected to the “docs” Custom Post Type and enabling GraphQL support.

add_action('init', function() {
  register_taxonomy( 'doc_tag', 'docs', [
    'labels'  => [
      'menu_name' => __( 'Document Tags', 'your-textdomain' ), //@see
    'show_in_graphql' => true,
    'graphql_single_name' => 'documentTag',
    'graphql_plural_name' => 'documentTags',

Filtering an Existing Custom Taxonomy

If you want to expose a Taxonomy that you don’t control the registration for, such as a taxonomy registered by a third-party plugin, you can filter the Taxonomy registration like so, adding any of the arguments documented above:

add_filter( 'register_taxonomy_args', function( $args, $taxonomy ) {

  if ( 'doc_tag' === $taxonomy ) {
    $args['show_in_graphql'] = true;
    $args['graphql_single_name'] = 'documentTag';
    $args['graphql_plural_name'] = 'documentTags';

  return $args;

}, 10, 2 );

Querying Custom Taxonomies

Querying terms of Custom Taxonomies is nearly identical to querying Categories and Tags. The difference being the name assigned by graphql_single_name and graphql_plural_name.

Assuming the taxonomy was registered as shown above, with graphql_plural_name set to documentTags, you would be able to query like so:

  documentTags {
    nodes {

And because the taxonomy was registered in relation to the docs Post Type, you’d be able to query the connected nodes like so:

  documentTags {
    nodes {
      docs {
        nodes {

And you’d be able to query a single documentTag like so:

  documentTag( id: "validIdGoesHere" ) {